Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022) Watch online Movies Free Download,
Doctor Strendzh after the taken place events connected with the spiderman decides to impose a special forbidden spell by means of which he opens the multiuniverse. This special space where the set of the small Universes, with the different fate of people, one second, minute, action or thoughts is built. All of them are connected among themselves, and strongly depend on the course of the events solving their further essence. The doctor gets in each Universe, and sees himself in the most different options, in it to him Vedma and Wong who are continuously accompanying it in these strange and sometimes dangerous movements pogat Alay.
Having violated a certain charter, it needs to restore everything into place, not a lot of time is for this purpose allocated and if not to be in time in time, then there can be not the reparable accident capable to destroy all multiuniverse and to create utter chaos. The team of brave heroes should face the serious opponent who solved in all ways to stop typical existence, the open doctor of the Universe, the purpose of the villain to take control of it, and then to use only in the artful purposes directed against all live in this never-ending world. The main characters from so difficult situation will be able and to restore integrity multiverse that each world could live in the former direction?