Justice League (2017) Watch online Movies Free Download,
Realizing that there are a large number of various unknown dangers ready to fall on the long-suffering globe at any moment, Batman decides to create a unit of allies, which will include people with supernatural abilities. Wayne picked up several worthy candidates, which he learned about after a scrupulous study of classified documents handed over by Amanda Waller, as well as information related to Lex Luthor's secret research.
Enlisting the support of Diana Prince, Bruce, thanks to incredible efforts, managed to convince Flash, Cyborg and Aquaman to join the newly created league consisting of fearless superheroes. The team members will have to protect humanity from a variety of threats. At first, the wayward heroes could not find a common language, which became an obstacle when completing missions. However, when a sudden invasion of mysterious invaders appeared on the horizon, represented by an army of Parademons controlled by the treacherous Steppenwolf, disagreements had to be put aside. The enemy, for the sake of achieving his own goals, is capable of going to great lengths, including the destruction of the human world.