Apur Sansar (1959) Watch online Movies Free Download,
Final part of the trilogy about Apa (the previous films - "A road song" and "Unsubdued") thanks to whom the Bengalese director Satyadzhit Ray gained fame and recognition around the world. Having matured and having been left without mother to Ap lives in poverty in the small village and dreams to become the writer. Once his friend invites to a wedding of the sister Aparna. In the heat of a wedding it becomes clear that the groom not absolutely normal, the guy is mad. A wedding on the verge of failure if Aparna does not marry, then forever will remain dishonored. And then Apa decides to marry her. After the wedding young people go to the city. Aparna dies while giving birth. Apa does not even want to see the newborn son. There pass five years, and the friend persuades Apa to take guardianship over the native son.