The offspring of the glorified parent, Marakkara, since the early childhood met difficulties which helped it to temper character. The father and mother of the fellow were killed by traitors, and he managed to run away with the native uncle. Relatives had to wander long far from the homeland. Kundzhali grew up the brave person, as well as his died father. The matured guy became a seafarer, however his way to management of the fleet was filled with various obstacles and dangers. The fearless soldier, thanks to a series of nice battles, managed to deserve respect of subordinates who, seeing courage of the leader, not thinking went into battle.
The main character did not recede before difficulties, safely rushing to a thick of events. Citizens of Calicut glorified the man of courage, and the governor Kozhikoda was afraid that sometime his place will be taken by Marakkara. The Portuguese aggressors who managed to devastate the continuous attacks royal treasury strongly shook positions of the head of state. People, tired of continuous wars, demanded to exempt Samutiri from invaders. To make within its powers only by Kundzhali. The monarch did not have choice except how to ask the commander to head liberating army...