Mad Max 2 (1981) Watch online Movies Free Download,
A catastrophic energy crisis has occurred on the planet, and does not give peace of mind to the local residents. They try to survive in desert places, and they know that where there is fuel, people are able to survive for several years. Max has been a hermit for a long time, and independently searches for gasoline. He needs to find fuel depots and take them away from strangers and bikers. He repeatedly encountered them on deserted roads and fought at speed.
And later an abandoned village gets in his way. He made a special mark on the map, and tries to convince the local inhabitants that they need to cooperate with him. He can help them get the fuel to a safe place. And, having reached the settlement, enters into the confidence of the residents. They hope that he will actually save them. However, the villains also find this area, and will not allow you to take out a valuable resource without their knowledge. A full-scale war with bikers begins. And Max acts as a defender of the wild people, because he promised not to leave them.