Dahmer – Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story (2022) Watch online TV Serie Free Download,
It is unknown what motivates serial killers to commit such terrible and merciless acts. Killing for pleasure, while receiving incredible emotional pleasures, can only be a mentally unbalanced person. It is simply impossible to stop such people, they will pursue their goal to the last, because they understand that this is the only way they can control their inner impulse, which burns so much at the sight of the object of their monstrous passions.
Jeffrey Damera is a real monster who committed terrible crimes against people belonging to low-income segments of the population. He took advantage of their vulnerability and need to fulfill his manic desires. The man was insanely cruel to his victims, trying to enjoy the insane torture. The problem of racial discrimination in the early nineties of the twentieth century is particularly vividly condemned in the series, which greatly influenced the investigation of high-profile crimes.